CPAN Dashboard - SLAFFAN
A dashboard to see the state of SLAFFAN's CPAN modules.
You can download this data as JSON.
Name / Repo | MetaCPAN | CPANTS | Date | Bugs | GH Actions | Cirrus CI | Appveyor CI |
Alien-Build-Plugin-Cleanse-BuildDir | 2022-08-30 | 🐞 | |
Alien-Build-Plugin-PkgConfig-PPWrapper | 2021-03-20 | 🐞 | |
Alien-freexl | 2024-10-13 | 🐞 | |
Alien-gdal | 2024-11-04 | 🐞 | |
Alien-geos-af | 2023-05-18 | 🐞 | |
Alien-libtiff | 2024-10-14 | 🐞 | |
Alien-patchelf | 2022-04-21 | 🐞 | |
Alien-proj | 2024-12-04 | 🐞 | |
Alien-sqlite | 2022-09-18 | 🐞 | |
App-PP-Autolink | 2023-10-28 | 🐞 | |
Geo-Converter-dms2dd | 2017-01-08 | ❔ | |
Geo-GDAL-FFI | 2024-06-18 | 🐞 | |
Geo-ShapeFile | 2023-02-23 | 🐞 | |
List-Unique-DeterministicOrder | 2023-10-05 | 🐞 | |
Statistics-Descriptive-PDL | 2024-07-02 | 🐞 | |
Statistics-Sampler-Multinomial | 2022-09-24 | 🐞 | |